Bylaws & Operation Rules

Article 1: General Provisions

Clause 1 - Name

The name of this organization shall be The Korean Archaeological Society.


Clause 2 - Aims

The society aims to contribute towards the development of the field of archaeology and the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.


Clause 3 - Operations

The society engages in the following operations related to its aims.

1. Research and presentations

2. Journal publication

3. The protection and preservation of cultural heritage

4. Other miscellaneous operations needed to support the society



Article 2: Membership

Clause 4 - Membership requirements and classification

1. Members of the society shall support the aims of the society and according to prescribed procedures, and approved individual and/or organizations will be classified as full members, regular members, student members, honorary members, or institutional members.

2. A full member shall be a person who has published archaeological papers in Korean or international research journals and has been approved by both the council members and the general assembly.

3. General members are those who support the aims of the society and pay membership dues, and who are not full members or student members.

4. Student members are undergraduate students and graduate students pursuing master's degrees.

5. Honorary members are those who have contributed significantly to the development of the society and have been approved by members of the council.

6. Institutional members are organizations that support the aims of the society and pay membership dues.


Clause 5 - Membership Rights

1. Full members shall have the right to vote to select the society president and council members and may attend general meetings and exercise their right to speak and vote on resolutions.

2. Institutional members may attend general meetings to exercise their voting rights. However, only one representative from the organization shall be selected to exercise its membership rights.

3. Regular members and students members may attend general meetings but are not granted voting rights.


Clause 6 - Member Responsibilities

Members shall take on the following responsibilities:

1. Comply with the regulations and bylaws of the society

2. Work towards implementing the resolutions of the general assembly and council

3. Pay membership dues and other expenses


Clause 7 - Withdrawing membership

Members may freely withdraw their membership by submitting a formal request for withdrawal to the president of the society.


Clause 8 - Reward and/or Punishment of Members

Members contributing to the development of the society may be rewarded through resolutions passed by the society council.



Article 3: Organization and Operations

Clause 9 - Organization

The society consists of a general assembly, a council, a steering committee, an editorial committee, and an academic ethics committee. However, if the society presidents deems it necessary, subcommittees may be created. However, the composition of subcommittees and their activities must be reported to the council and general assembly.


Clause 10 - The General Assembly

1. Meetings of the general assembly are divided into regular general meetings and provisional general meetings. Regular general meetings are to be held once a year and provisional general meetings are held when deemed necessary.

2. General meetings may also be called according to resolutions passed by the president or the council.

3. The general assembly shall resolve or approve the following matters:

(1) Amendments of bylaws or other decisions related to society operations recommended by the council

(2) The society president, council members, and auditors recommended by the council. (However, if the approval of an officer is rejected, the council choice to re-appoint the officer or hold elections in the general assembly.)

(3) The membership of full members confirmed by the council

(4) Disciplinary actions approved by the council

(5) Other matters that are deemed important


Clause 11 - The Council

1. The council consists of no more than 20 members including the president of the society.

2. The president shall serve as the chairperson of the council.

3. Council meeting must be held at least twice a year, and shall also be convened at the request of the society president and/or the majority of the council.

4. The council shall resolve or approve the following matters:

(1) Amendments to the society bylaws

(2) The appointment of full members, honorary members, the society president, and auditors

(3) Matters related to the society's budget and operation

(4) Matters related to rules and regulations

(5) Matters related to disciplining and rewarding members

(6) Other matters that fall under the purview of the steering committee


Clause 12 - The Steering Committee

1. Including the president, the steering committee shall consist of no more than nine members consisting of general, planning, publication, information, research, and financial committee members appointed by the president and shall have two or more secretaries who direct tasks.

2. The steering committee is tasked with the following:

(1) Carry out the decisions and resolutions adopted by the council and handle matters related to the management of the society.

(2) The general secretary is in charge of the regular affairs of the society.

(3) The planning secretary is in charge of planning conferences and events.

(4) The publishing secretary, is editor-in-chief of the journal and may appoint an assistant administrator.

(5) The information secretary is responsible for matters related to academic information.

(6) The research secretary is in charge of matters related to the society's research.

(7) The treasurer is charge of the society's financial affairs.


Clause 13 - The Editorial Committee

The editorial committee is responsible for all matters concerning the publication of the journal and other publications published by the society. Its composition and operation are regulated separately.


Clause 14 - Academic Ethics Committee

The academic ethics committee is responsible for establishing research ethics and granting academic awards. Its composition and operation are regulated separately.


Clause 15 - Subcommittees

The society president determines the composition and actions of subcommittees, which must be reported to the council and general assembly.


Clause 16 - Officers

(1) Society officers consist of the president, council members, auditors, etc. and must be a full member to qualify.

(2) The president leads assemblies and meetings and serves a tem of 2 years.

(3) Council members are responsible for the tasks listed in Clause 11 (4) and serve a term of two years; each years half of the members will be substituted.

(4) The auditor attends council meetings and reports audits of tasks and finances to the general assembly and serves a term of two years.

(5) The terms of officers begins on the 1st of January each year.

(6) If an officer is no longer able to perform his or her duties, a replacement shall be recommended by the council within 60 days and approved by the next general assembly. The term of the predecessor is less than one year, plus two years of the prescribed term.


Clause 17 - Resolutions

Resolutions will be adopted by majority vote of full members.

The council must convene a majority of council members, and resolutions must be adopted by at least two-thirds of the members present.


Clause 18 - Publications and Copyrights

(1) The society published an academic journal called ‘Journal of the Korean Archaeological Society' (Hanguk Kogo-Hakbo). Specific matters related to the publication of the academic journal shall be determined by its own regulations.

(2) Aside from the journal, the society will publish other publications that contribute to the development of archaeology.

(3) Copyrights of all publications published by the society, including its journal, belong to the society.


Article 4: Finances

Clause 19 - Working Fund

(1) The society's financial resources will be furnished through the collection of membership dues and other sources of income.

(2) Membership dues are classified as ‘regular dues’, ‘special dues’, institutional dues’, etc., and the steering committee determines the cost of dues.


Clause 20 - The Fiscal Year

The societ's fiscal year is between January 1st and December 31st each year, and before general meetings are held the society's president must be audited by the auditor.


Clause 21 - Budget and Balances

(1) The society's budget shall be submitted at least two months before the beginning of the fiscal year. The budget will be deliberated by the council and reported to the general assembly.

(2) At the end of each fiscal year, the society must submit a statement of accounts and attaches an audit report within 3 months and reports it to the general assembly after resolution by the council.


Clause 22 - Stipends

(1) No stipend shall be paid to officers. However, expenses needed for carrying out operations may be provided.

(2) A limited stipend may be paid to the secretary. The amount and scope of the stipend is to be approved by the council and decided by the president.


Article 5: Supplementary Rules

Clause 23 - Dissolution

If the general assembly intends to disband, the general assembly must be attended by at least two-thirds of the registered members and can only be dissolved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present. Assets at the time of dissolution will be dealt with according to approval by the general assembly.


Clause 24 - Changes to the Society Bylaws

If there are to be any changes to these bylaws, the council must first deliberate and affirmations shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the general assembly.


Clause 25 - Rules and Regulations

Matters related to the operation of the society, other than those prescribed in these bylaws, shall be decided by resolution of the council.


Clause 26 - Miscellaneous

Matters that are not dealt with in the bylaws shall be in accordance with common practice.


Supplementary Provision

1. Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Aug. 28, 1976

2. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from May 27, 1989

3. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Jan. 1, 1996

4. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Nov. 8, 1998

5. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Nov. 5, 2000

6. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Nov. 2, 2001

7. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from June 1, 2002

8. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from May 30, 2004

9. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Nov. 6, 2004

10. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from Jan. 1, 2006

11. Revised Society Bylaws shall come into effect from May 27, 2006

12. This amendment shall be effective from January 1, 2019, and various committees and projects already established before the enforcement of this bylaw shall be recognized by these bylaws without further deliberation and resolution.